5 Easy Steps to Stay Healthy While Working From Home

Ragini Agarwal
4 min readJun 12, 2021

Working from home can be intimidating at times with the fine line between professional and personal space becoming bleak. Here’s a quick guide as to how one can stay sane and healthy while working from home.

The increasing COVID-19 upsurge has forced all of us to sit back and work from home. From school children to big businessmen all are working online. Working from home looks easier as when you are home you are in the comfort zone. You can just sit in your night suit, inside your comfortable bed, and eat whatever you wish to while working. This might sound very glamorous but it can have a great impact on your health too.

When you go to the office you have to do everything according to the office decorum. You need to follow a proper schedule and can take food at a fixed time. Therefore, if you want to stay healthy while working from home, it is very important to follow some steps for your good health.

In this article, we will discuss some simple and easy yet effective ways that will help you a lot in staying healthy.

These are some steps that can help to stay healthy while you are working from home.


Exercise helps in increasing the metabolism rate of the human body. Studies have shown that a person who performs exercise on regular basis has fewer chances of getting attacked by any disease in comparison to the person who does not. Along with that regular exercises also strengthens the cardiovascular system which results in decreased risk of heart-related issues.

Including a workout in your daily routine will not only help you reduce your weight but will also keep you active and energetic. Morning is the best time for exercising, although you can perform it in the evening also. But, in the evening our body is already exhausted after doing work the whole day and one can easily get tired after doing a little workout also.

Plan your day

Make a timetable and paste it above your working area. I know it’s hard to follow timetables, but if you have one in front of your eyes you will try to work according to that. Do not make one with the time slots being mentions. Just list the tasks you have to do in the proper order. This is the best way you can make a schedule as well as follow it. Make a list of each and everything you have to do in the whole day including your meals. Be realistic, don’t make a very high-fi schedule that is just not possible for you to follow, set realistic goals that you can achieve. Planning your day helps you separate the time for different tasks so that you can focus on one task at a time, which will eventually help you avoid the unnecessary craving.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking sufficient water is very important as it not only keeps us fit but has other benefits also like regulating the body temperature, lubricating the joints, keeping body organs function properly, delivering nutrients to the cells, etc. Our body consists of 60% of water and it’s easy to imagine how important water is for our body. Keep a bottle full of water on your desk while working. This will automatically bring your attention to the bottle and will compel you to drink it. Water also helps in the removal of toxins from our body which is very important. You can also add flavors to your water, like adding lemon to your water will also help you boost your immunity or a dip of green tea along with some ice cubes is another good option.

Eat Healthy

Eat as much as healthy food you can. Add lots of fruits to your diet. Avoid fried and junk food because it can cause you many health issues, resulting in high cholesterol levels and cause weight gain. Taking a balanced diet will never make you unhealthy. Exercise should be done in accordance with the type of food that you eat. If you eat high-calorie food such as fried food then you need to exercise more. The type of food that goes in your stomach is responsible for many of your health problems. The more good food you will put in, the more healthy you will become.

Draw a Fine Line between Work and Personal Life

When you work in a homely atmosphere it’s quite obvious to get distracted from the work and the schedule might get disturbed. So, it’s very important to separate your workplace from your homely environment. Select a place that has absolutely no distractions. Avoid working near the kitchen, because when you work near the kitchen your mind will be stuck in food only. Keeping your workplace away from the kitchen will help you focus on your work and crave less.


If there is one thing that can’t be compromised with, is your health. There is only one step between you and success. And the secret sauce is — Never Give Up!

Until and unless you won’t try a thing you cannot get success in that. Try, learn, get better and finally achieve your goal. While working from home has become the new normal, we must adapt to it as gracefully as we can, keeping our health as the focus area to thrive in environment of all sorts.

Therefore, never compromise with your health. After all, your health is your real wealth.

Originally published at https://thriveglobal.com.



Ragini Agarwal

Freelance Writer. Lifelong Learner. Live, Love, Write, Laugh.